C ring
C の形状のアームを2本重ねたデザイン。
Two C-shaped bands combined into one for this design.
Even though not complete circles, they combine to form a ring, representing a complementing relationship of each other.
Up to four diamonds or other stones can be arranged on the tips.

- 鏡面、マット仕上げより選択
- K18YG、WG、PG、CG、Pt900より選択
- エレメントダイヤモンドセッティング1石6,600円(税込)
(先端のみ、4石まで) - 価格は税込表示

1.2mm: ¥128,700
1.6mm: ¥195,800
1.2mm: ¥137,500
1.6mm: ¥214,500
1.2mm: ¥148,500
1.6mm: ¥232,100
1.2mm: ¥156,200
1.6mm: ¥246,400
1.2mm: ¥162,800
1.6mm: ¥257,400